
[Basic WML Code]

- Line Break -

- Big Text -
<big>Best Pinoy</big>
Best Pinoy

- Small Text -
<small>Best Pinoy</small>
Best Pinoy

- Italic Text -
<i>Best Pinoy</i>
Best Pinoy

- Bold Text -
<b>Best Pinoy</b>
Best Pinoy

- Emphasis Text -
<em>Best Pinoy</em>
Best Pinoy

- Strong Text -
<strong>Best Pinoy</strong>
Best Pinoy

- Underline Text -
<u>Best Pinoy</u>
Best Pinoy

- Text Link -
<a href="">Best Pinoy</a>
Best Pinoy

- Button- Images -
<img src="http://img or logo url" alt="logo"/>

Button Link
<a href=""><img src="http://button url" alt="partner link"/></a>

Text format code such as bold, small, big, underline, etc. must be placed outside the link code, anchor code, etc.

Selection Links
<select><option>PARTNERS</option><option onpick="">BestPinoy</option><option onpick="">Bryne</option><option onpick=">drag0nx</option></select>

Input Log-in
Enter your name:<br/><input type="text" name="name" maxlength="15" value=""/><a href="http://page2">log-in</a>
page 2
Welcome $(name) my site!
Enter your name:

- Table -
1 column and 1 row
<table columns="1" align="||"><tr><td>Best Pinoy</td></tr></table>Best Pinoy

2 columns and 2 rows
<table columns="2" align="||"><tr><td><img src="" alt=""/></td><td><a href="">Best Pinoy</a></td></tr/><td><img="" alt=""/></td><a href="">Bryne</a></td></tr></table>